Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ticklish Laughter

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, a merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance.

When see my kids laugh it makes me feel so happy. When I heard Stephen laugh outloud for the first time what elation filled my heart. The most beautiful noise in the world I believe is your child's laughter.

How much more does our Father enjoy seeing us laugh!

Tonight, after reading a bible story with my kids, I tickled all 3 at the same time. Then a thought struck me; why did God make us ticklish?

One Hypothesis, I read was that tickling serves as a bonding experience between parent and child.
All I know is that God wants us to have fun sometimes, and maybe he enjoys "tickling us", seeing us laugh by allowing funny things to occur in our lives to stimulate that reaction.

Thank you God for all you allow in my life, and for all the laughter you have sent across my path. Thank you for cheering the heavyhearted, using the useless, loving the undesirable....

1 comment:

Kindred Spirits said...

Very true, i love to laugh myself.