Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Great Commission

We must preach the gospel to all the earth. I believe there are souls that have been saved but have not worked for the Lord or fell away. How much more power and lost people regenerated if those fallen away would be renewed to repentance?

My mom's last words were about her lost sheep. About the child who had went astray, out of the fold. Saved are all her children, but one was not in God's will. Her burden fell on my shoulder's, and I wanted so bad to help that lost sheep.

I pray that God will answer my prayers and renew this lost sheep's heart. I am trying to do all I can, all God will allow me to do. But I know in the end only God can change her heart, only she can desire with her whole heart to seek after God.

I am but a lowly, humble servant. Borne in sinful flesh, condemmed to an everlasting justly deserving fire. Thank God I am also a redeemed, heaven bound, unworthy but made child of God by His mercy and power-to-save-the-vilest-sinner precious blood.

I believe with God nothing shall be impossible, even fulfilling the Great Commision.
Lord help me be faultless help me serve you, help me bring others out of the fire but also help me help others to walk in the Light until we need no more try.

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