Monday, January 19, 2009

Heart Sick

Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.

My hope is in the coming of the Lord, and though it may be deferred for yet a little while longer, I will endeaver to the doing of God's will. And though my heart is sick now, I know my heart will recieve it's desire one day.

But when my heart's Desire cometh and will call me out by my name and recieve me up unto Himself, it will be worth it all, it will be the tree of life flowing through Him unto me.

I can't wait for that day.
But I must wait for that day.
I must not veer to the left or to the right.
I must not fall away.
Never let Him out of my sight,
But in His prescence stay.

1 comment:

Redeemed said...

Beautiful words, Amen.