Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Peculiar People

Okay, so i'm wierd. At least the message I heard last week made me feel normal being wierd. David's men were wierd like Abino : his pleasure is the spear. He killed 800 guys within minutes or couple of hours. He enjoyed his spear a little too much and killing a little more than that. They were just a bunch of rejects that no one wanted -- not even king Saul wanted. But God was able to use them.
Jesus draws the outcasts, the wierdo's -- (just look at my church). But i have often wondered why I felt so peculiar growing up. I went to greek school where everyone had to do their cross, learn about the 12 gods... and i went to an english public school at the same time where singing about santa claus was "normal". Growing up in a christian home, I never fit in the public school or greek school.... I never believed in santa, I only knew one God not 12 false ones. Looking back, perhaps God was training me to never get used to fitting in. Now i am a greek city girl in an anglo countryside. So being "different" is a way of life for me. We will never fit in in the world, but God gives us other peculiar people to "fit" in with as we strive to do God's service.

Whether I do not fit in or feel like a reject it is so reassuring that God thinks me useful. My gifts mean nothing to this world but God is the one who gave them to me to be used for His glory and honour.

Whenever I try to estimate myself according to the world I fail. I finally realized that in God's eyes I was worth dying for worth being used for Him. Not because i am so worthy but because His worth is in me. He has placed His gifts in me, He can make me useable. With His Son in me that is all He sees, and I pray that's all the world will see too.

Christ magnified in my body.


Redeemed said...

The Lord is using you in many ways, Mary. Not only are you being a blessing to the weirdos in your church but you're being a blessing to the weirdos up in Montreal too. I suppose in the world's eyes we really seem weird, but doens't 1Co 1:28 say that God has chosen the base things of the world, and things which are despised.

What Love! said...

God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. It is a wonderous thing to be base for Christ! We should always be humble for He will lift us up, rather than lift our hearts against Him and be brought low.